Eine Toolbox für die Rote Biotechnologie zur Entdeckung, Entwicklung und Produktion von Biologika
Key Words Virale Vektortechnologie | Rote Biotechnologie | Biologikaentdeckung und -entwicklung | High-Throughput-Screening (HTS) | monoklonale Antikörper | säugetierzellbasierende Produktionssysteme
Retroviral Vector Technology / A toolbox for red biotechnology in discovery, development and production of biologics
With the exception of replication-competence, retroviral vectors reveal a range of biological and biochemical characteristics identical or very similar to the parental donor viruses they are derived from. Therefore, such vectors were initially evolved to study isolated events and steps of the virus life cycle. From the onset of gene therapy to its clinical application to fight genetic diseases, retroviral vectors were further developed to serve as gene delivery vessels transducing therapeutic genes into a variety of human target cells. Owing to their ability to highly efficiently deliver genetic information into target cells, to stably integrate their payload into the genome of the host cell and to provide sustainable and high-level expression, retroviral vectors were successfully employed to advance the discovery and production of biopharmaceuticals. Aspects and examples of retroviral vector technology focusing on its utility beyond gene therapy but rather on the steps in developing biologics such as target and drug discovery and mammalian cell line generation as production platforms in red biotechnology settings are outlined and discussed.
Prof. Dr. Jörn Stitz, Pharmazeutische Biotechnologie, Fakultät für Angewandte Naturwissenschaften, TH Köln, Campus Leverkusen, CHEMPARK Leverkusen E38, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee, 51368 Leverkusen (Germany), e-mail: joern.stitz@th-koeln.de
Mit Ausnahme der Replikationskompetenz weisen retrovirale Vektoren eine Reihe von biologischen und biochemischen Charakteristika auf, welche identisch oder sehr ähnlich denen der Parentalviren sind, von welchen sie abgeleitet wurden. Daher wurden solche Vektoren zunächst generiert, um isolierte Ereignisse und Schritte des viralen