Key Words Container Closure Integrity | Standzeitberechnung | Dichtigkeitsprüfung | Lyophilisate | Hagen-Poiseuillesches Gesetz | Sauerstoffbestimmung
The Oxygen Headspace Analysis is an appropriate 100 % inline leak test of lyophilized drugs in vials, using a Near Infrared (NIR) laser for the measurement of the oxygen concentration in sealed vials. For this purpose, it is essential to define both the holding time of the vials to be tested and the leakage of the vials. The leak rate is a standardized measure of the leakage of systems, used as a target parameter for Container Closure Integrity (CCI) tests. The leak rate can be measured by Helium Leak Detection and correlated with whole sizes. The holding time defines the time required to exceed the detection limit of the oxygen measurement inside the vial (Oxygen Headspace Analysis, HSA) at a given leak rate. In an example measurement providing experimental data, the present theoretical measurement has proven to be a generally appropriate method to determine the holding time.
Dr. Tobias Posset, Roche Diagnostics GmbH Mannheim, Sandhofer Str. 116, 68305 Mannheim, Germany; e-mail: tobias.posset@roche.com
Die Sauerstoff-Head-Space-Analyse ist eine geeignete Methode für die 100-%-inline-Dichtigkeitsprüfung von lyophilisierten Arzneimitteln in Vials. Hierbei wird Sauerstoff im verschlossenen Vial mittels Near-Infrared(NIR)-Laser gemessen. Für eine Dichtigkeitsaussage mittels dieser 100-%-Kontrolle ist es essenziell, die Standzeit (holding time) der zu untersuchenden Vials zu definieren. Damit einher geht die Definition der (Un-)Dichtigkeit der