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    Figure 1
    Typical conflicting targets of product supply (Source: All figures were made by the author).

    How to deal with different GMP requirements of important countries in a Manufacturing and Supply Strategy

    GMP / GLP / GCP

    1. Introduction
    2. Common Requirements and Regulations
    3. Examples of Special GMP Requirements or Special Focus in Some Countries
    4. How to Handle Different GMP Requirements in Production
    5. Conclusion
    Dr. Michael BockAugst, Switzerland
    Dr. Michael Bock
    holds a PhD in Organic Chemistry. In 1985, he started his career as head of various quality control laboratories at Schering AG, Berlin. Over the following years he was responsible for the International Project Management and the Pharmaceutical Production at Schering as well as the Strategic Procurement and Product Supply at Bayer Healthcare. Since 2016, he works as a senior consultant and coach in international and cross-functional networks with over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry.


    GMP requirements increase continuously to safeguard product quality and patient safety. Although there is an effort to (...)