Packmittelauswahl, Qualifizierung der Packmittellieferanten*)
This article reviews recent general and legal requirements for primary packaging materials for cosmetics and medicinal products for topical application. Differences and similarities are considered. In many cases, primary packaging materials can be selected from materials which are already available on the market. If this is not possible for specific applications or formulations, the packaging has to be carefully developed. A basic requirement for the use of any packaging material is the extensive knowledge of its composition and properties.
Ingredients of the product should not be adsorbed onto the surface of the packaging, and not be absorbed into the body of the packaging. They should also not migrate through the packaging (compatibility). Furthermore the packaging should not release substances into the product. It has to be assessed whether a satisfactory evaluation can be performed just on the basis of knowing the formulation and the primary packaging material. Especially in the case of plastic packagings for medicinal products, but also for cosmetics packagings, it might be necessary to perform Extractables/Leachables studies. Additionally, the packaging material has to be toxicologically harmless. In this context the present article provides an overview of relevant current legal rules, e. g. of the drug, cosmetic and food law. Furthermore, several aspects concerning the selection of suppliers will be explored.
![]() | Dr. Andrea Kühn studierte von 1995-1999 Pharmazie an der Universität Hamburg. Nach dem PJ erhielt sie 2001 die Approbation als Apothekerin. Anschließend arbeitete sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie der MLU Halle und wurde dort 2004 zum Dr. rer. nat. promoviert. Seit 2005 ist sie bei der WALA Heilmittel GmbH im Ressort Wissenschaft in der Abteilung Qualitätskontrolle tätig, in der sie seit 2010 Leitung der Qualitätskontrolle für den Bereich Verpackungsmaterial ist. Sie ist Fachapothekerin für pharmazeutische Analytik und |