Anwendung der Hauptkomponenten-analyse zur Optimierung von Tablettierprozessen Roland Schorra, Rüdiger Gösslb, Klaus Arnoldc und Ulrich Glasd Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, A Spiriva Launcha, A Medical Data Servicesb, A Pharma Productionc, A Manufacturing Respimatd, Ingelheim/Rhein Korrespondenz: Dr. Roland Schorr, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, A Spiriva Launch / Prozeßentwicklung Pharma Herstellung, 55216 Ingelheim/Rhein (Germany), e-mail: Pharmaceutical manufacturing processes are typically influenced by a variety of interacting process parameters, thus making identification of process weaknesses difficult. Principal Component Analysis is a method for detecting and visualizing complex structures of interacting variables. In the following article the use of Principal Component Analysis is dis-cussed giving two examples in the field of tableting. In the first example, the in-fluence of ambient humidity on the mechanical stability of tablets is shown whereas the second example describes the interdependence between powder dosing, compaction force and compaction zone in bilayer tableting. |
pharmind 2006, Nr. 3, Seite 357