Detail-Engineering von Lager- und Verteilsystemen für Pharmawasser Sven Polenz Korrespondenz: Dipl.-Ing. Sven Polenz, Am Wiesengrund 5, 91126 Schwabach (Germany), e-mail: Detail-Engineering of Storage and Distribution Systems for Pharmaceutical Water Storage and distribution systems for Purified Water, Highly Purified Water and WFI ensure appropriate supply for all points of use within the pharmaceutical production. They serve to secure the produced quality from the time the water exits the production plant to the time the water is drawn from the system. Setting out from the specifications of Engineering of Storage and Distribution Systems for Pharmaceutical Water, the necessary steps to find a solution for technical details are described by way of relevant examples. The optimization of the tapping control for a subloop with heat exchanger is described. The relevant operation sequence is adapted to the used technology. Common problems are named and solutions are identified. Minimizing the length of branch lines for machine tapping is a challenge of the interface between the water supply and the consumer. Design variants of both tappings and sampling locations are elucidated. Design details concerning the mounting of gauges in closed loop pipes are discussed upon. A commonplace problem is a lack in focus on validability of the sanitisation. Possible sources for error of the predominant pure steam sanitisation are shown and appropriate workflow is described. Key words Pharmawasser, Entnahme, Lagerung, Probenahme, Sanitisierung, Verteilung • Wassersysteme, Ringleitung, Stutzenlänge |