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    Elektrodeionisation zur Herstellung von Reinwasser

    Thomas Menzel

    Korrespondenz: Thomas Menzel, Christ Pharma & Life Science AG, Hauptstr. 192, 4147 Aesch/BL (Schweiz),
    e-mail: thomas.menzel@christ.ch

    Electrochemical Deionisation for the Preparation of Purified Water The basic objective of any water treatment system must be to provide water with a guaranteed and reproducible quality from the point where the water enters the plant to the point of use (POU). The water must comply with the prescribed quality parameters and may not exceed the defined limit values; it must also comply with the regulations of the European and American Pharmacopoeia. Furthermore, the treatment system must meet the c-GMP requirements and also those of the Inspection Guide of the FDA. A process combination widely used in Europe for the production of pharmaceutical water from drinking water is a water softener based on the ion-exchange prin-ciple followed by an electrochemical deionisation (EDI, CEDI) stage for removal of any remaining minerals. Compared with a combination of a water softener followed by two reverse osmosis stages, this process combination has some advantages. It is possible, for example, to process water with a high conductivity, i.e. a high electrolyte concentration, and to reliably comply with the limit values for contamination with ions laid down in the regulations. This article describes the electro-deionisation process and its development in more detail.

    Key words Elektrodeionisation • Gereinigtes Wasser • Heißwasser-Sanitation • Kohlendioxid • Modulgeometrie • Total Organic Carbon • Wasser für Injektionszwecke

    © ECV- Editio Cantor Verlag (Germany) 2006


    pharmind 2006, Nr. 10, Seite 1214