Entwicklung eines Naßzerkleinerungs-prozesses für partikuläre Materialien im Submikron-Bereich Jacqueline Michaelisa, Irma Mikonsaarib, Ingrid Mülleraund Ulrich Teipelc Fachhochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen, Fachbereich Life Sciences, Studiengang Pharmatechnika, Sigmaringen, Fraunhofer Institut, Chemische Technologie (ICT)b, Pfinztal, und Fachhochschule Nürnberg, Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik/Partikeltechnologie und Fluidmechanikc, Nürnberg Korrespondenz: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Teipel, GSO Fachhochschule Nürnberg, Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik/Partikeltechnologie, Wassertorstr. 10, 90489 Nürnberg (Germany), e-mail: ulrich.teipel@fh-nuernberg.de Development of a Wet Grinding Process for Particles in the Submicron Range The size and distribution of particles are particle characteristics which are among other things significantly important for processing charateristics of raw materials and biopharmaceutical properties of produced drugs. Shredding means decreasing the size of particles using mechanic forces, like cutting, crushing, mincing, chopping, milling or grinding. Particle size or rather particle size distribution does influence the processing characteristics of raw materials and the biopharmaceutic characteristics of manufactured drugs. Different apparatuses are used for mill-ing particulate materials. For the grinding of materials to obtain a very fine product of extremely small particle size, stirred ball mills are used, because they reach higher energy densities and therefore work more efficiently in comparison to other mills. The mill used in the present studies has an integrated cooling system which allows the processing of heat-labile substances. It was the aim of our project to develop a technical process for a milling procedure for substances resulting in the lowest achievable particle sizes. Herefore the influence of several operational parameters which lead to different particle sizes were investigated. As crucial parameters, the size of the grinding balls, the grinding ball material, the grinding ball filling level, the revolution of the rotor and the duration of the process within the mill were measured. Key words Kugelmühlen • Partikelgröße • Rheologie • Zerkleinerung |