Entwicklung von Eisen(II)-sulfat-enthaltenden Einbettungspartikeln Edina Pallagia, Piroska Szabó-Révésza, Torsten Haasnerb, Mónika Pásztor-Turákc, Orsolya Laczkovicha, Joachim Ulrichb und István Erõsa
Universität Szeged, Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologiea, Szeged (Ungarn), Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik/TVTb, Halle, und Universität Szeged, Institut für Analytische Chemiec, Szeged (Ungarn)
Development of Iron(II) Sulphatecontaining Drop-formed Particles
In the present research, a special hot melt technology was used for the development of particles containing iron(II) sulphate as active agent. The bed materials were stearic acid, white wax and their mixture. The particles were processed by solidification of drops of the molten bed materials with suspended iron(II) sulphate. The distribution of iron(II) sulphate in the developed products was uniform. The bed materials protected the active agent from oxidation and regulated its release. The otherwise gastric-irritating behaviour of iron(II) sulphate can be decreased by means of its slow dissolu-tion from the particles. The best results were achieved with a mixture of 5 0 % iron(II) sulphate, 25 % stearic acid, and 25 % white wax. The developed particles can be filled into the capsules directly.
Key words Einbettungsmaterial • Eisen (II) • Gebleichtes Wachs • Heißschmelz-Technik • Stearinsäure