Erste Erfahrungen mit Lesbarkeitstests von Packungsbeilagen Dr. Editha Räuscher, Dr. Ulrike Birnbaum und Prof. Dr. Marion Schaefer Consumer Health Care − Science and Services GmbH, Geschäftsstelle: Charite´ Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin Package information leaflets are still seen by many patients as difficult to read and understand, unstructured and too long. They are especially concerned about the frequent use of terms of medical terminology. In addition, the often long list of adverse drug reactions leads patients to a feeling of unsafety and sometimes even prevents them from using the drug as they cannot evaluate the information given without proper medical knowledge. Therefore, package information leaflets should be written from a users’ perspective whilst their cognitive capabilities are adequately met. In this respect, readability tests which have been mandatory since last year provide valuable information about how patients read and understand the content of a package information leaflet. |
pharmind 2006, Nr. 12, Seite 1347