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    Hygieneschulung in der pharmazeutischen Industrie

    Planung, Vorbereitung und Durchführung

    Karl Friedrich Nieth

    Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim

    Hygienic Training in the Pharmaceutical Industry / Planning, preparation and execution

    The training of personnel in general and hygienic training in particular is urgently required in the pharmaceutical production both from regulatory and economic points of view with the efficiency of the training being dependent on careful planning and preparation, the suitability of the trainer, the quality of the means used and the way the training is performed. Didactic methods such as discussions, role-playing, card interrogation, team work and the presentation with foils, supported by audiovisual aids, are introduced and discussed. Possibilities of motivation and of using and applying the information conveyed in the training as well as suggestions for success control and documentation are disussed. Experience with training intervals for different areas of cleanliness is presented.

    Key words Aseptische Produktion · GMP, Hygieneschulung · Mitarbeiter-Training · Pharmazeutische Produktion


    © ECV- Editio Cantor Verlag (Germany) 2001


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