Kapillarelektrophorese in der pharmazeutischen IndustrieEtablierte Trenntechnik oder nur für Spezialanwendungen? Bericht von der High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis Conference (HPCE 2002) in Stockholm (Schweden) vom 14. bis 18. April 2002 Prof. Dr. Hermann Wätzig Institut für Pharmazeutische Chemie der Technischen Universität Braunschweig Summary On the occasion of the High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis Conference (HPCE 2002) in Stockholm (April 14-18, 2002), 13 experts from international companies discussed todays importance of capillary electrophoresis (CE). 20 years after its introduction in its modern form, CE is an established technique with clear concepts for method development and validation. Its main applications are found in chiral separations and for biologicals. Its high separation efficiency and the possibility to analyse sample volumes in the nanoliter range are usually mentioned as its major advan-tages. Efforts for sample pretreatment are usually minor, the precision is good and the sample-throughput is high. The sensitivity is slightly inferior on average compared to HPLC, however this is only consequential for low U V-absorbing analytes. Besides there is a lot of potential to further improve sensitivity in CE by using FASS (field amplified sample stacking) injections. If mass coupling is considered, possibly the established LC/MS will often be preferred to the more rarely used CE/MS. If scaling-up for preparative separations intended, chromatographic techniques are certainly advantageous.
pharmind 2002, Nr. 11, Seite 1183