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    Life in Medicinal Products – Risk Assessment According to the European Pharmacopoeia

    Procedure and case study


    1. Risk assessment – legal requirements
    2. Prerequisite – Use of appropriate test methods
    3. Risk of product spoilage
    4. Health risk: evaluation criteria
    5. Case study: What procedure should be followed?
    6. Dangerous level of exposure – a knock-out blow for the preparation
    7. Conclusion
    Dr. Dorothee Jäger and Dr. Andreas Schwarzkopf · Labor L+S AG, Bad Bocklet, Germany

    Microbial contamination in a pharmaceutical preparation is always an unwelcome result in quality control. The detection of bacteria, yeasts and moulds often causes uncertainty in the evaluation of microbiological quality. After all, people, and thus potential consumers, are part of an ageing population and are therefore more at risk of infection.

    The quality of medicinal products must always be flawless in every respect. For this purpose, the pharmacopoeias contain appropriate specifications, which also have to be complied with in terms of microbiological quality. If, during the required testing, (...)