Besonderheiten und Fallstricke
Pharmaceutical Plant Construction – Manufacturers Abroad / Specific aspects and pitfalls
The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing huge changes. One of the results of these changes is an increasingly global business focus. New plants are needed both at home and abroad to develop new international distribution channels. Countries that were not previously a priority are becoming important markets. But the saying holds true: When in Rome, do as the Romans. When you go to a different country, you have to know the general conditions that prevail there – climatic, legal, organizational, economic and political. This can make the difference between the success or failure of a project. So in addition to project-specific aspects, country-specific features must also be incorporated into an overarching, integrated schedule and cost structure. This article points out potential pitfalls during the individual phases of bi-national projects and presents strategies and options for project organization based on case studies.
![]() | Dipl.-Ing (FH) Axel Heueis studierte an der Technischen Fachhochschule Berlin Bauwirtschaft und Bauplanung. Seit 2001 ist er bei Drees & Sommer tätig. Nachdem er umfangreiche Erfahrungen im klassischen Projektmanagement anspruchsvoller Neu- und Umbaubauprojekte für Büro-, Hotel- und Industriebauvorhaben gesammelt hat, ist er seit 2011 im Experten-Team Life-Sciences und betreut als Senior-Projektpartner Projekte der Pharma-Industrie. Kunden begleitete er unter anderem bei Großprojekten in China, Indonesien und Ost-Afrika. Bevor er zu Drees & Sommer kam, sammelte er Erfahrungen in der Bauleitung und |