Korrelieren instrumentelle Verfahren mit Zielgruppenprüfungen?
KEY WORDS Blister | CEN/TS 15495 | Aluminiumfolie | Transparenz | Taste
The opening of packaging becomes more and more challenging for elderly people. Due to demographic changes the opening behavior of medicinal products becomes more and more important for senior patients. Blister packaging is the most-frequently used packaging for solid dosage forms in the EU. The following study deals with the question whether there are differences between two types of blisters, using different packaging material: one was an aluminium/aluminium type and the other one combined a transparent PVC-film with an aluminium foil. The study is focusing on a possible correlation between a target group test and an instrumental test. The results show that there is no significant correlation between the ease of opening determined in the target group and the measured force. However, a longer opening time of the aluminium/aluminium blister was observed. The transparency of blister packaging enables the patients to see the dosage form before opening, enabling them to apply targeted opening force.
Corresponding author:
Prof. Dr. Felix Ecker, Hochschule Fulda, Fachbereich Lebensmitteltechnologie, Marquardstr. 35, 36039 Fulda, Germany; e-mail: Felix.Ecker@lt.hs-fulda.de
Immer mehr Verpackungen bereiten älteren Menschen Schwierigkeiten beim Öffnen. Gerade Arzneimittelverpackungen stellen eine Herausforderung dar. Inwieweit sich hierbei ein Unterschied auf das Verpackungsmaterial zurückführen lässt, thematisiert die folgende Studie. Dazu werden zwei Blisterarten, die sich in dem Material der tiefgezogenen Folie (Aluminium- und PVC-Deckfolie) unterscheiden, einer