Rekombinante Herstellung von therapeutischen Proteinen mittels Bryotechnologie Gilbert Gorr greenovation Biotech GmbH, Heilbronn Korrespondenz: Dr. Gilbert Gorr, greenovation Biotech GmbH, Ndl. Freiburg, Boetzinger Str. 29 b, 79111 Freiburg (Germany), e-mail: Recombinant Production of Therapeutic Proteins using Bryotechnology Bryotechnology (bryophytes = mosses) is an innovative production system for the supply of therapeutic proteins. The moss is especially suitable for glyco-engineering, a method, which enables the targeted design of glycan structures according to therapeutic requirements. In addition, Bryotechnology possesses variant advantages concerning costs, safety issues, and quality of the produced glycoproteins. An example for the potential of this technology is the moss-produced Lewis-Y specific antibody 314. Produced by means of Bryotechnology this antibody has improved efficacy due to its fucose-free glycan structure resulting in an increase of the antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and leads to the more efficient destruction of cancer cells. Key words ADCC (antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity) • Bryotechnologie • Glyco-Engineering • Glykoproteine • Moos • Rekombinante Herstellung • Therapeutische Proteine |
pharmind 2008, Nr. 4, Seite 532