Risikomanagement-Tools Ein Überblick Denis Nienhüser RRR − Reduced Rest Risk, Belp (Schweiz) Korrespondenz: Denis Nienhüser, RRR − Reduced Rest Risk, Hohburgstr. 27, 3123 Belp (Schweiz), e-mail: rrr@nienhueser.net Risk Management Tools − An overview The ICH-Guideline Q9 is listening a lot of requirements to the in-house-risk management and visualises a few tools to fulfill these requirements. However none of these tools is all-purpose and demands in most instances necessary adjustments. This text should help to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the tools. Key words ICH Q9 • Methoden • Risikoanalyse • Risikobewertung • Risikokommunikation • Risikokontrolle • Risikomanagement |
pharmind 2007, Nr. 12, Seite 1481