Innovative, energiesparende und umweltschonende pharmazeutische Technologien zur Herstellung fester Arzneiformen
Self-Solidifying or Self-Drying Formulations – Some Innovative, Energy-Saving and Non-Polluting Technologies in the Production of Solid Dosage Forms
This pharmaceutical technological communication is reporting on some interesting new technologies, which are not only economic but also ecological in the production of solid dosage forms. These may mainly concerned granules or candy-like lozenges. By means of placebo-mixtures, the innovative, self-solidifying principles, which primarily are based on the water-uptaking properties of the earth alkaly oxides, hydroxides and of basic carbonates, were tested and closely observed. By using these new technologies the required, very expensive physical drying steps currently used could be eliminated. As shown by a number of experiments, those technologies are working very well. Moreover, they are able to be used successfully as basic formulations for new developments or modern reformulations of existing products.
Regarding further developments, it has to be taken into consideration that in such a formulation each selected substance requires specific development efforts due to its specific physical-chemical properties. Virtually all therapeutically active substances can be added to such new formulations – as long as their use is efficient.
Prof. emer. Dr. Kurt H. Bauer, Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Im Finkeler 4, 79112 Freiburg, Germany; e-mail:
In dieser technologischen Mitteilung wird über einige interessante neue Technologien zur energiesparenden Herstellung von festen Arzneiformen berichtet. Es handelt sich hierbei hauptsächlich um Granulate, aber auch um bonbonartige Lutschtabletten. Anhand von Placebo-Mischungen wurden innovative, sich selbst verfestigende