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    Supply Chain-Optimierung in der pharmazeutischen Industrie

    Dr. Birgit Kudlek, Dr. Frank Wolf und Christian Rochel

    Accenture GmbH, Frankfurt/Main

    Optimising the Supply Chain in the Pharmaceutical Industry

    Increasing competitive pressure forces the pharmaceutical industry to optimise their logistic network (supply chain). Besides the focussing on production sites and the rationalisation of the distributing network an effective supplies management within the scope of the supply chain management becomes more and more important. A function-related optimisation of the supplies does not make much sense. Rather the complete production and distributing chain must be analysed. Runthrough times and their variations, planning uncertainties and other data must be taken into account. It is important to coordinate supplies and astrived delivery readiness degrees. In this article a method is described by which the optimal supplies at different production and distributing stages can be determined in a global surrounding with many production sites.


    © ECV- Editio Cantor Verlag (Germany) 2001


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