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    Surface Limits in the Pharmaceutical Industry


    1. Scope
    2. Surface Limits for Product-Contact Surfaces in Multi-Product Equipment
    3. Surface Limits for Dermal Exposure
    4. Conclusion
    Dr. Andreas Flückiger · F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel, Switzerland


    Surface limits in the pharmaceutical industry are driven by two determinants:

    • the toxicological/pharmacological characteristics of the contaminant in question and

    • the type of surface that is contaminated:
    Is the surface a product-contact surface on the inside of the production equipment, is it a surface where the primary risk is exposure due to skin contact of a broader public or is it a surface where this potential skin contact is limited to the one of workers who are well aware of possible residual contamination?

    This means that surface limits are not only driven by substance-specific (...)