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    EMA and EU Commission – Topical News

    Functional specifications for the EU portal and EU database to be audited (EMA/42176/2014) and Draft proposal for an addendum, on transparency, to the “Functional specifications for the EU portal and EU database to be audited” (EMA/641479/2014) – Part I


    I. Functional specifications for the EU portal and EU database to be audited (EMA/42176/2014)II. Draft proposal for an addendum, on transparency, to the “Functional specifications for the EU portal and EU database to be audited” (EMA/641479/2014)
    RAin Dr. Brigitte Röhrig · Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Brigitte Röhrig, Betzdorf/Sieg (Germany)
    RAin Dr. Brigitte Röhrig
    Dr. Brigitte Röhrig
    Sebastian-Kneipp-Straße 19
    57518 Betzdorf/Sieg (Germany)
    e-mail: BRF@kanzlei-roehrig.de

    Regulation No. 536/2014/EU (hereinafter Clinical Trial Regulation=CTR) lays down the future provisions governing the conduct of clinical trials in the EU. It follows a harmonised approach relating to submission, assessment and reporting of clinical trials as well as the adverse reactions happening during the conduct of a clinical trial. Crucial elements of this harmonised approach are the EU portal with the EU database, through