Medium-sized pharmaceutical companies are particularly facing the challenge to develop new, innovative products with market success while at the same time complying with the changing general conditions. Despite high competitive constraints most pharmaceutical companies have no systematic approach to accelerate their product development process and to reduce the research and development costs. To ensure the long-term success and competitiveness of these medium-sized companies the integration of a systematic development process into the corporate culture is vitally important. In this paper the systematical solution space control system is introduced as a tool to manage the innovation process efficiently and its current status is examined in a questionnaire study. The implementation of the systematical solution space control system results in a reduction of research and development time and costs. Therefore, medium-sized companies strengthen their competitive position and long-term success.
Insbesondere mittelständische Arzneimittelhersteller stehen in der forschungsintensiven Pharmabranche vor der großen Herausforderung, neue innovative Produkte mit anschließendem Markterfolg zu entwickeln und zugleich die sich stetig ändernden Rahmenbedingungen zu erfüllen. Trotz des hohen Wettbewerbsdrucks fehlt den Pharmaunternehmen heutzutage oft ein systematisches