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Sie sehen Artikel 17761 bis 17770 von insgesamt 18496

In der Rubrik News haben wir 18496 Angebote für Sie gefunden

  1. SK bioscience Breaks Ground on Manufacturing Facility Expansion for Extending Product Pipeline

    SK bioscience, a global innovative vaccine and biotech company committed to promoting human health from prevention to cure, announced today that the company broke ground on a major expansion of its vaccine manufacturing plant, L HOUSE, located in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea. The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by Cheol-woo Lee, Governor Gyeongsangbuk-do, GiChang Kwon, Mayor Andong City, Pascal Robin, General Manager and Representative Director of Vaccines at Sanofi Korea, and Jaeyong Ahn, CEO of SK bioscience, on March 6, 2024.

  2. Faller Packaging leitet langfristig Geschäftsführer-Nachfolge ein

    Dr. Michael Faller und Dr. Daniel Keesman scheiden im 2. Halbjahr 2024 altersbedingt aus – Dagmar Schmidt wird neue CEO.

  3. Systec Autoklaven der neuen Generation - Weltpremiere auf der analytica 2024

    Die Systec GmbH & Co. KG freut sich darauf, auf der Analytica ihre neuesten Innovationen im Bereich Autoklaven vorzustellen. In Halle B.1, Stand 502 präsentiert das Unternehmen...

  4. Systec Autoklaven der neuen Generation - Weltpremiere auf der analytica 2024

    Die Systec GmbH & Co. KG freut sich darauf, auf der Analytica ihre neuesten Innovationen im Bereich Autoklaven vorzustellen. In Halle B.1, Stand 502 präsentiert das Unternehmen...

  5. ProBioGen Partners with MAPP BIOPHARMACEUTICAL, INC. for Groundbreaking Development of Afucosylated Antibody Against Marburg Virus Disease Using GlymaxX Technology

    ProBioGen, a leading CDMO of innovative solutions and services for biopharmaceutical development, is pleased to announce the execution of services and license agreements with MAPP BIOPHARMACEUTICAL, INC. to develop a cell line for an afucosylated antibody targeting Marburg virus (MARV) infection. This collaborative effort will leverage ProBioGen's cutting-edge GlymaxX® technology to enhance the therapeutic potential of the antibody by adjusting the afucosylation levels.

  6. ProBioGen Partners with MAPP BIOPHARMACEUTICAL, INC. for Groundbreaking Development of Afucosylated Antibody Against Marburg Virus Disease Using GlymaxX Technology

    ProBioGen, a leading CDMO of innovative solutions and services for biopharmaceutical development, is pleased to announce the execution of services and license agreements with MAPP BIOPHARMACEUTICAL, INC. to develop a cell line for an afucosylated antibody targeting Marburg virus (MARV) infection. This collaborative effort will leverage ProBioGen's cutting-edge GlymaxX® technology to enhance the therapeutic potential of the antibody by adjusting the afucosylation levels.

  7. Glyphosat: Bayer will Risiken abspalten

    Der Pharma- und Agrarchemiekonzern Bayer erwägt laut Insidern in den USA ein umstrittenes juristisches Manöver, um eine Lösung für Zehntausende noch offen Glyphosatklagen zu finden. Der Dax-Konzern konsultiere aktuell Anwälte und Berater mit Blick auf eine Strategie, die als „Texas Two-Step“ bekannt sei, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg am Mittwochabend.

  8. Direktvertrieb: Lilly kooperiert mit Amazon

    Die Nachfrage nach dem Tirzepatid-haltigen Präparat Mounjaro®, in den USA als Zepbound™ auf dem Markt, ist hoch. Um das Abnehmmittel und andere Medikamente direkt an die Patientinnen und Patienten ausliefern zu können, arbeitet der Gesundheitskonzern Eli Lilly künftig mit Amazon zusammen.

  9. Viroclinics-DDL Changes Name to Cerba Research

    Viroclinics-DDL (referred to herein as Cerba Research, the Netherlands) a world leading vaccine and antiviral specialty laboratory providing research and clinical trial solutions rooted in virology, proudly announces changing its name to Cerba Research as of the 1st of April 2024. This branding step was an expected move after the Viroclinics-DDL teams had joined Cerba Research in 2022, now operating as one company well positioned in the entire value chain of research and clinical trials.

  10. Viroclinics-DDL Changes Name to Cerba Research

    Viroclinics-DDL (referred to herein as Cerba Research, the Netherlands) a world leading vaccine and antiviral specialty laboratory providing research and clinical trial solutions rooted in virology, proudly announces changing its name to Cerba Research as of the 1st of April 2024. This branding step was an expected move after the Viroclinics-DDL teams had joined Cerba Research in 2022, now operating as one company well positioned in the entire value chain of research and clinical trials.

Sie sehen Artikel 17761 bis 17770 von insgesamt 18496