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Sie sehen Artikel 18111 bis 18120 von insgesamt 18477

In der Rubrik News haben wir 18477 Angebote für Sie gefunden

  1. Pfizer kauft Hautcreme-Hersteller Anacor für 5,2 Milliarden Dollar

    Der US-Pharmariese Pfizer will nach dem Scheitern der Mega-Fusion mit dem Rivalen Allergan den kleineren Konkurrenten Anacor schlucken. Die Unternehmen gaben am Montag die Einigung auf einen Kaufpreis von 99,25 US-Dollar pro Aktie in bar bekannt, damit habe der Deal inklusive der Schulden von Anacor ...

  2. Pharmariese blockiert Verwendung seiner Mittel bei US-Hinrichtungen

    New York (dpa) - Die Vollstreckung der Todesstrafe in den USA wird zunehmend schwierig. Der Pharmariese Pfizer hat weitreichende Kontrollen beschlossen, um den Einsatz seiner Mittel bei Exekutionen künftig auszuschließen. Damit können die Gefängnisbehörden nach Einschätzung von Experten nun auf legalem Weg keine Medikamente mehr für die meistens bei Hinrichtungen eingesetzten Giftspritzen erwerben. ...

  3. Global Particle Size Analysis Market Growth of 4.7% CAGR by 2021

    Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Particle Size Analysis Market by Technology, Industry and by Region - Global Forecast to 2021" report to their offering. The global particle size analysis market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2016 to 2021. Although the mature markets such as North America and Europe hold larger shares in particle size analysis market, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to register the highest CAGR of 5.9%. The growth of the particle size analysis market is primarily triggered by factors such as increasing nanotechnology research and presence of stringent regulatory guidelines to ensure compliance with GMPs.

  4. Why Minority Participation in Clinical Trials Matters

    A new infographic shows massive health disparities among common disease states, and serves as a renewed call for greater diversity in clinical trials. ...

  5. The Human Microbiome: Advancing New Frontiers in a Rapidly Emerging Market - Research and Markets

    Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "The Human Microbiome: Advancing New Frontiers in a Rapidly Emerging Market" report to their offering. The field of Human Microbiome research and development is apparently one of the most popular hubs of the biotechnology industry. While the Human Microbiome Project, MetaHIT and other huge studies of human microbiota, have garnered a lot of attention over that past few years, ...

  6. Insight Pharma Reports - Multi-targeted & Poly-functional Antibody Therapeutics

    Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Insight Pharma Reports" report to their offering. Recombinant antibodies have been the shining jewels in the firmament of the pharma industry for almost the last two decades. They have returned billions of dollars in sales, and if their performance has not been the unalloyed triumph that was foreseen at their inception, they have, at least in some instances, produced impressive gains in patient response.

  7. Trojanische Pferde für Krankenhauskeime

    Das Bakterium Staphylococcus aureus besiedelt beim Menschen bevorzugt die Haut und die Nasenschleimhaut und macht sich dort normalerweise nicht bemerkbar. ...

  8. Novartis-Medikament Ultibro Breezhaler übertrifft in Studie andere Medikamente

    (dpa-AFX) Das Medikament Ultibro Breezhaler des schweizerischen Pharmakonzerns Novartis zur Therapie der Lungenerkrankung COPD (Raucherlunge) hat sich laut Mitteilung in einer Studie bezüglich mehrerer Faktoren den Konkurrenzmitteln überlegen gezeigt. So habe Ultibro Breezhaler bezüglich Verschlimmerungen der Krankheit, ...

  9. Fitch: Drug Approvals Driving Targeted Acquisitions in US Pharma

    Large innovative U.S. pharmaceutical companies are expected to continue targeted acquisitions as the need for larger transactions has declined, according to Fitch Ratings. Consolidation continues as players search for scale, efficiencies and the next blockbuster drug, but an M&A shift toward smaller targets reflects increased drug approvals. Good access to funding at favorable rates has also aided M&A activity. As pipelines improve, big pharma is seeking out individual therapeutics and smaller biotech companies to bolster drug portfolios.

  10. Bristol-Myers Squibb Opens Expanded Biologics Facility

    Bristol-Myers Squibb celebrated the completion of a major expansion at its Devens, MA biologics facility designed to accelerate development of the company’s growing portfolio of biologics medicines. The $280 million project adds two new buildings to the 89-acre Devens campus: a Biologics Development Building for designing processes for the early production of investigational medicines, and a Clinical Manufacturing Building where investigational medicines will be produced to support clinical trials. Both are new capabilities for Devens, a site that had previously focused solely on large-scale, bulk biologics manufacturing.

Sie sehen Artikel 18111 bis 18120 von insgesamt 18477