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Sie sehen Artikel 1841 bis 1850 von insgesamt 18508

In der Rubrik News haben wir 18508 Angebote für Sie gefunden

  1. Konstante Pipettierqualität über das gesamte Jahr

    Die Liquid Handling-Spezialisten von INTEGRA haben vor kurzem ein neues Poster erarbeitet. Es enthält eine informative Anleitung, wie Laboratorien, die über eine Mikrowaage verfügen, eine schnelle Routinekontrolle der Pipetten durchführen können. Das beschriebene Protokoll dient zur Kontrolle der Funktionsfähigkeit der Pipette und liefert aussagekräftige Informationen über deren aktuelle Pipettierleistungen. Es ersetzt jedoch keinesfalls die jährliche Kalibrierung, die von einem spezialisierten Kalibrierungslabor durchgeführt werden muss, sondern soll dazu beitragen, die Pipettierqualität über das gesamte Jahr aufrecht zu erhalten. (...)

  2. CureDuchenne Applauds the FDA Approval of Marathon’s EMFLAZA (deflazacort) for the Treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

    NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#Duchenne--CureDuchenne applauds the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of EMFLAZA™ (deflazacort), developed by Marathon Pharmaceuticals, the first drug in the U.S. approved for use by patients five and older with Duchenne muscular dystrophy regardless of genetic mutation. EMFLAZA is a corticosteroid that demonstrates anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant effects. Clinically, EMFLAZA has meaningful benefits in treating patients with Duchenne. (...)

  3. Koios Pharmaceuticals Receives Favorable Ruling in Challenge to High-Cost Drug’s Patent

    SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Koios Pharmaceuticals has received a favorable ruling in its challenge to the sole patent protecting Rasuvo®, a high-cost methotrexate autoinjector product, from generic competition. (...)

  4. Walgreens Flu Index™ for Week of Feb. 5, 2017

    DEERFIELD, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Walgreens Flu Index™ is a weekly report developed to provide state- and market-specific information regarding flu activity, and ranking of those experiencing the highest incidences of influenza across the country. The Flu Index shows which populations are experiencing the most incidences of influenza each week based on Index methodology. The data does not measure actual levels or severity of flu activity. With the ability to generate hyper-local data across (...)

  5. Recombinant Drugs to 2020: Pace of Market Growth is Encouraging Suppliers to View Competitors in New Ways

    Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Recombinant Drugs to 2020" report to their offering. In recent years, the number of recombinant drugs - including engineered biological drugs in development - has increased significantly. The pace of this growth is encouraging suppliers to view competitors in new ways. (...)

  6. $624.50 Billion Injectable Drug Delivery Market by Type, Therapeutic, Usage Pattern, Administration, Distribution Channel & Patient Care Setting - Forecast to 2021

    Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Injectable Drug Delivery Market - Forecast to 2021" report to their offering. The global injectable drug delivery market is projected to reach USD 624.50 Billion by 2021 from USD 362.38 Billion in 2016, at a CAGR of 11.5% during the forecast period. (...)

  7. Influenza A Virus, H7N9 Subtype Infections - Pipeline Review, H2 2016 - Research and Markets

    DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Influenza A Virus, H7N9 Subtype Infections - Pipeline Review, H2 2016" report to their offering. Avian influenza A (H7N9) is a subtype of influenza viruses. This infection is seen both in humans and birds. Infection is caused when a person is exposure to infected poultry or contaminated environments. Symptoms include fever, cough that produces sputum, headache, myalgia and general malaise. Treatment includes (...)

  8. Charles River Laboratories Changes Time of Fourth-Quarter 2016 Earnings and 2017 Guidance Conference Call

    WILMINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Charles River Laboratories has changed the time of its fourth-quarter 2016 and 2017 guidance conference call to 8:00 a.m. ET on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 (...)

  9. »Go Beyond 4.0«

    Am 10. Februar 2017 fällt am Chemnitzer Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme ENAS der Startschuss für die Erforschung einer neuen Ära in der Produktion. Die Automatisierung, Digitalisierung und Vernetzung der industriellen Großserienfertigung gehört zu den großen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Vor allem Unternehmen der Zukunftsmärkte Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Manufacturing und Lighting müssen die wirtschaftlichen Vorteile der Massenfertigung beibehalten, um auch vom Markt geforderte individualisierte Produkte herzustellen. (...)

  10. WHO director issues thinly veiled rebuke of FDA critics

    The director of the World Health Organization issued a thinly veiled rebuke of critics suggesting that the Food and Drug Administration should be overhauled, including several candidates reported to be in consideration to head the agency. Speaking at a conference in Seattle on Wednesday, Dr. Margaret Chan warned against loosening the rules governing the safety and effectiveness data that drug companies must supply to win marketing approval from the FDA. (...)

Sie sehen Artikel 1841 bis 1850 von insgesamt 18508