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Sie sehen Artikel 731 bis 740 von insgesamt 18496

In der Rubrik News haben wir 18496 Angebote für Sie gefunden

  1. Pharmalot, Pharmalittle: Novartis stops making TB drugs in Pakistan, prompting fear of a health crisis

    Novartis has stopped making tuberculosis drugs in Pakistan over a pricing dispute, prompting fears of a health crisis due to a shortage of drugs, Reuters reports. The drug maker, which is one of just four companies selling treatments in a country with the world’s fifth-largest TB rate, maintains pricing caps have not been significantly raised since 2001. ...

  2. Rebellion gegen Stada

    Vor der Hauptversammlung des Arzneikonzerns Stada verschärfen rebellische Anteilseigner den Konfrontationskurs. Als zweite treibende Kraft neben der aktivistischen Gesellschaft AOC kristallisiert sich der Frankfurter Aktienfonds für Stiftungen heraus, ...

  3. Global Depression Drug Market Report 2014-2020 - Analysis, Technologies & Forecasts

    Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Depression Drug (Benzodiazepines, SNRIs, TCAs, TeCAs, Atypical Antipsychotics, Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors and Others) Market 2014 - 2020" report to their offering. The report covers forecast and analysis for the depression drug market on a global and regional level. The study provides historic data of 2014 along with a forecast from 2015 to 2020 based revenue (USD Million). The study includes drivers and restraints for the depression drug market along with the impact they have on the demand over the forecast period.

  4. New Technique Developed for Effective Dye Removal and Low-Cost Water Purification

    Organic compounds in wastewater are toxic or have lethal effect on aquatic living and humans. Evidence has shown that the organic contaminants discharged from cosmetics or pharmaceuticals are the main reasons for the higher morbidity rates of kidney, liver, and bladder cancers, etc. Organic contaminants are stable to light, heat or oxidizing agents and very difficult to remove by conventional chemical or biological wastewater treatment techniques. Recently scientists have developed some new strategies with good dye-removal performance; however, a subsequent adsorbent purification procedure is unavoidable after water treatment.

  5. Sanford Health Selects Translational Software for Large-Scale Expansion of Pharmacogenomics Program to Individualize Patient Care

    Translational Software®, Inc. (TSI), a leader in the intelligent use of genetic data for clinical decision support and precision medicine, today announced that Sanford Health, a Dakotas-based non-profit health system, and one of the largest integrated health systems in the nation, has selected TSI’s pharmacogenomics (PGx) knowledge base and PGx platform to expand its genomics program across multiple U.S. regions to personalize patient treatment and improve health outcomes throughout the Sanford Health enterprise. ...

  6. BIS V von Balluff spricht jetzt auch UHF

    Mit dem neuen Schreib-/Lesekopf BIS VU-320 erweitert Balluff die BIS V-Produktfamilie um die UHF-Funktionalität. Der kompakte UHF-Schreib-/Lesekopf in der Schutzart IP67 verfügt über eine Auto-Set-up-Funktion und bietet rundum besonders gut sichtbare Funktions- und Status-LED-Anzeigen.

  7. World Implantable Drug Delivery Devices Market - Opportunities and Forecasts, 2014 - 2022

    Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "World Implantable Drug Delivery Devices Market - Opportunities and Forecasts, 2014 - 2022" report to their offering.

  8. Revolution in der Krebsforschung?: Programmierte Salmonellen greifen Geschwüre an

    US-Forscher rücken Tumoren mit speziell programmierten Bakterien zu Leibe. Die genetisch veränderten Salmonellen produzieren einen Anti-Krebs-Wirkstoff, lösen sich dann selbst auf und setzen das Gift im Tumor frei, wie die Wissenschaftler im Fachjournal "Nature" schreiben. ...

  9. Responding to Customer Needs with Ergonomic Design

    Two pipetting systems designed for accurate liquid transfer for use in high-throughput pharma and biotech labs and small academic and industrial labs are now redesigned for enhanced comfort.

  10. Pfizer Receives World Health Organization Prequalification for Multi-Dose Vial Presentation of Prevenar 13®

    Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) announced that the World Health Organization (WHO) has prequalified its four-dose, multi-dose vial (MDV) presentation of Prevenar 13®* (pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine [13 – valent, adsorbed]). WHO prequalification allows for the global use of Prevenar 13® MDV by United Nations agencies and countries worldwide that require WHO prequalification. ...

Sie sehen Artikel 731 bis 740 von insgesamt 18496